Validate before you build, not after you ship

Start building with confidence with
1-click Competitor Landscape Report

Stop Wasting Your Time

Expert analysis at a click of a button
Save time and money
Discover similar ideas before spending too much time in yours
Your Competitive position
See exactly where you stand against the competition.
Analyze and differentiate
Deep dive into what others offer and reveal where you can shine.

How it works

How we help you save days of work
Share your vision
Enter your startup idea into our simple text box. Just the basics — what your SaaS aims to do and who it's for.
Speedy Analysis
Our system gets to work immediately, combing through data, reviews, and market trends.
Comprehensive Report
You'll receive a detailed report. It includes competitor features, pricing, audience analysis, and Product Hunt performance metrics. It looks like this 👇

Show Not Tell

Here are three example reports so you know exactly what you're getting, and if our competitor report is right for you and your startup idea.

Yes, the last one shows ValidateMySaas's own competitors.


Simple pay per use
per report
Thorough competitor analysis
Competitor features and pricing
Relevant Product Hunt Launches
Trust Pilot review summaries
Challenges specific to your idea
Access to our Startup Validation guide

#indiehackers love us!

Validate My SaaS


Have a question not answered here? Just send me a tweet and let me know how I can help.
What information do I need to provide about my startup idea?
We just need 3 snippets of text from you: your elevator pitch, your target audience, and what problem your idea is solving
How long does it take to get my competitor analysis report?
Reports generally take 2 hours to process, however, please give us 24 hours before reaching out or worrying. You'll get an email once it's done.
What types of products does this work for?

This is primarily for Saas (Software as a Service) Products. ie: your customers will pay you to use some software that helps them in some way.

We can NOT help you validate a physical product, a information product (ex a class or a course), a lemonade stand. If your competitors do not have a website, or a website that clearly explains what they offer, we unfortunately cannot help you right now. If you're looking to validate those types of businesses, get in touch and I'll do my best to point you in the right direction

Why aren't there more questions here?

hey, it's Scott 👋

I've been there: pouring my heart and soul into a new product. Obsessing over the smallest details. Prepping for a big launch. Then crickets. Soul-crushing crickets.

I don't want you to go through that. Since joining the #buildinpublic and #indiehacker community, I've learned the importance of selling and validating your product ideas BEFORE you build.

Part of that process is holding your beautiful startup idea to the refining fire of the market and asking "who is going to love my product more than what's already out there"?

I built ValidatedMySaas to be no-excuses level easy to help you do that. Using my own product almost daily, it's already helped me avoid some bad ideas that would have taken days, weeks, months? of building before realizing it was a dead end. I'm confident it can do the same for you.